Royal Madness Tournament Registration

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Skyline High School - 151 Vista Drive - Front Royal Va 22630


AAU Age Based Rules Apply
Please verify that you are not a robot.
Please make checks payable to "Royal Fury Basketball". Mail payments to P.O. Box 1016 Front Royal VA 22630.
Our paypal address is Please add 3% to your total to cover PayPal fee's.
Our Cash App tag is $RoyalFuryBasketball.

***ON ALL FORMS OF PAYMENT - Please add a note that includes the Team / Grade / Gender for which you are paying.

*****ALL FEES ARE DUE NO LATER THAN Saturday, March 15, 2025*****

There will be NO REFUNDS after Saturday, March 15, 2025 issued to any team that drops out for any reason. We will work within reason to accommodate scheduling conflicts. Each team will be guaranteed a minimum of 2 games with an entry fee of $190.00 per team/per tournament for all divisions. Teams are required to have identical colored reversible jerseys with numbers on the back.

An Early Bird discount cost of $165.00 is available until Saturday, February 22, 2025. Cannot be combined with any other discount. Payment must be made before Early Bird deadline.

For questions or inquiries please contact Royal Fury at or call 540-664-4546.